Presentation of the symposium

To mark the end of the first three-year period (2019-2021) and the launch of the second (2022-2024) of the PCR HaGAL - Habitat Groupé Antique de la cité des Lémovices, centred on a mid-mountain area, the Limousin (France), the members of the team considered it relevant to organise a meeting around several questions:

  • the existence of specificities of the Roman small towns in the mountains ;
  • the relationship between towns and mountains;
  • the development of the mountains by small towns;
  • that of their accessibility through the mountains and the associated constraints.

It will thus be a question of questioning, among other things, the spatial organisation of the territories of medium-sized mountains and their structuring by the agglomerations (interfaces between plains and mountains). Of course, such a territorial approach should not forget that settlements are not the only forms of habitat in the mountains and their relationship with sanctuaries and rural settlements should also be taken into account.

Call for papers

The call for papers initially open from July 1 to December 31, 2021 is extended to February 28, 2022.

Date and location

The conference will take place from September 28 to September 29, 2023 in Limoges (France).


Registration is free of charge but mandatory (from 15 May 2023) for participants.

Information: the buffet and the dinner are offered to speakers, members of the Scientific Committee (CS) and members of the Organising Committee (CO). Auditors (within the limits of available places) can take part in the buffet for a fee of 10 € (payable online at registration). Auditors can take part in the dinner (amount to be defined) upon registration (attention: payment will be made individually to the restaurant owner).

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